Part 30
Update 29: Well isn't that special.
Well, that surely was a scream.
Rinse, repeat for the other doors. Of course, it is in the "real" Kabukicho, so it is not going to be possible to detect noncrazies that don't talk to themselves, like that Naga, or the Collector Manikin.
Damn. That is correct.
DAMNATION. So, it can interact and affect real things from the mirage. That is inconvenient.
Fortunately, there is a Mirage door nearby.
Young... Human?
That does not sound good.
Doing it to advance the plot, not to help you, shakey.
Futomimi is cool. You are not. Not doing it for YOUR sake. And anyways, Mizuchi mocked Insert. That is a no-no.
First: Appropriate magatama ingestion.
Then: Mizuchi against the IWIN team
Ah, back to the REAL building.
Meet Futomimi. He does not shake.
Conflict. Manikins suck ass and they SHAKE JUST FOR THE SAKE OF SHAKING (since Futomimi does not shake) and I don't like them. On the other hand, Futomimi is awesome and wants to be saved. ARGH.
On the other hand, there are stuffs that have to be seen in the kalpas...
That does not sound good.
And then he leaves.
Well, shit. Too late and just heard about it. That is bad. Was he already tortured? Even if not, he has already snapped. Better be polite, in any case. Being nice is always a good thing when one does not want to have the Demon ending.
Notice, I said "Demon", not "True Demon".
Well shit, so him running away without protection, without even asking this here demifiend for a little bit of help to go and see Futomimi, to not be completely alone in the post apocalyptic world, yeah, it is the fault of Yuko and Insert. Clearly, the idiotic choices that Sidekick made had absolutely nothing to do with his current fate.
And thus, he becomes an unholy mixture between some sort of emofag and lolbertarian.
At least Chiaki had the excuse that she was an aristocratic asshat that wanted to do things on her own, and shaped her reason like that. This guy? Idiocy and lack of common sense. "Hey, there's my friend, who just happens to be now a very, very powerful demon, maybe I'll tag along to see if he can help me, oh he is also going to Kabukicho! That's awesome, I'll tag along and try to be useful, for sure. Naaah, I'll go alone and see what happens."
He is gone. Gone. Forever.
3 Useless things, and one useful one. Great.
Good luck with that [spoiler]Manikins, by virtue of not being humans, can't form reasons or shape the world. Sucks to be them.[/url]
See? Futomimi is awesome. He is HELPFUL and does NOT SHAKE LIKE THAT.
Gone. GONE away. To Asakusa. To get their FREEDOM.
That means: Next destination, Asakusa.
You see? this dude IS sensible. He waits, he assists, he USES Insert. He is not an idiot, unlike Sidekick, or too damn fucking proud, like Chiaki. He is not an asshat.
See? He IS not an idiot, and does not try to bite more than he can chew. This works for both of them. Futomimi can give information, and they both can learn about Yuko and the Nightmare System. It is a win-win situation. COOPERATION.
Nah, he just died.
They are all empty
Wait. What?
I... Don't know. Or comprehend.
fuck. No Light Balls. FUCK.
Grargh, needed again.